Shaping up the Death Star - An iconic Star Wars Weapon, Frank Howarth's way

Frank Howarth a Portland based wood-worker carved out his name on the list of eminent carpenters in the world as He made the “Death Star” an iconic Star Wars Weapon.

The amazing fact was that he created this phenomenal object by using only crafted bamboo rings and stacking them into Death Star’s spherical shape. In woodworking field this is a feat in itself.

For all the Star War fans, this will add prized feather in cap. He has also given Death Star the original  tiled look of Star War by applying grain of the wood on top of spherical surface.

In the world of wood work, there are few names to reckon with. Apparently His stunning crafting has given the Death Star, a Midas touch, and  shot him into overnight fame internationally.

Frank’s rich architecture background  helped him design and build a super specialty wood-shop that he uses to create stop-motion films of the development process of various woodworking projects.

Many build and instructional videos have been published on You-tube showing the amazing woodworks of Frank Howarth. Here comes one more for the fans of Frank Howarth.

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